Modulus Financial Planning

15 Church Square, Suite 12 Avonmore House , Banbridge, Down, BT32 4AP


Accountants & Financial Services , Insurance Brokers , Speciality Services , Financial



Modulus are a Financial Planning business in the heart of Banbridge set up by Dale Kirkpatrick and John Sloan.

The company help and advise business owners, families, people planning for retirement and people who are just starting to think about their finances.

Modulus Financial Planning truly puts our clients first.  They demonstrate the absolute value of financial planning by helping their clients make informed decisions about their future lifestyle, which truly benefits them. At Modulus FP, the team take the time to get to know you and your family, to understand what it is you really want to achieve. Then they figure out if and how we can get you there, help you get on track and ensure you remain there.

The company’s mission is to help our clients live the life they want, by delivering the absolute value of financial planning. A unique factor of the business is that they get to know their clients on a personal level, by sharing and exchanging experiences, and learning new interests off one another.

Business owners

As a business owner you have lots on your plate. You are likely to be flat out working in your business, working on the business, spending time with family, getting those odd jobs finished around the house and about a hundred other things that are trying to get your attention. It is hard to find that balance and to switch off at times. But you wouldn’t have it any other way! You enjoy the control that owning your business brings. You love making those decisions that make a difference in the business. Increasingly though it may seem that personal matters are taking a bit of a back seat and you feel that now is the time to address that.

Planning for your retirement

You’ve been working all your life. Now you are thinking about slowing down or stopping altogether. What next? It can be a scary thought, and one which you need to prepare for. Whether it’s in the next few years, or 10 years away, there’s no time like now to start thinking about it. Your thoughts are turning to how are you going to spend your time in retirement. The difficult question is how are you going to afford it? Most don’t even know what they have or what they could afford. Especially if you’ve moved around a few jobs, you might have several pensions in different places, doing different things and have different rules. It’s time to start planning for the next stage of your life.

Growing family

You’re a young family, or maybe you’re just about to have your first child. You’re working away at whatever you do, focusing on getting by. Keeping your family happy, planning for yours and your children’s future and making sure work is kept on top of. You don’t have enough time to sit down and think about what you’re looking to achieve, or what you have or haven’t thought of. Getting by and keeping everyone happy is the priority, and you’ll think about the future later.

Later life planning

You’re likely to be retired and enjoying the freedom associated with it. You may be an avid traveller, visiting far flung places like Machu Picchu or New Zealand. You’re also as likely to be helping your kids with some of their childcare needs. You have the time to do all these things. Your mind may also be thinking towards the future and about how things could change. This may be due to your health or the health of your other half. You could have concerns about what will happen when you’re not here , or able to make decisions about your money. You might be feeling that you want to retain control of your affairs but to make sure that things are set up the way you want, in case the worst happens at the time you least expect it.

Personal injury

You, or someone you know, has been having a really tough time recently. You’ve suffered a serious personal injury, or medical negligence, and that turned your world upside down. You’ve had to change your life completely. You’ve probably been speaking with solicitors and doctors and every kind of medical specialist you can name for the last few years. For some of the really big cases, we know this can be as much as ten years. And now you’ve been awarded a compensation pay out. What now?

You’ve a whole host of new problems. What do you do with the money? How does it affect your benefits? But you also need to start think about the rest of your life and what it looks like? What do you want to do, and how are you going to cope?

DIY investing

You’ve got to a point where you have a decent income and are able to save each month. You’ve enough in the bank to act as your emergency fund, but too much to be sitting in cash. It’s time your money starting working a bit harder for you. The only problem is, you don’t know where to begin.

You are looking for a way to invest your cash to hopefully keep track with, if not beat inflation. But you don’t want to choose your own investments or learn how to use trading platforms.


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