March 13, 2025 by Rikki Thompson
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The charming town of Dromore is set to become a literary haven as residents and visitors prepare for the first ever book festival. Established in 1995, Bridge Books has always been a beloved spot for locals and book lovers, nestled next to the picturesque bridge over the serene River Lagan.

From 5th – 10th May, Bridge Books will host an exciting lineup of events featuring incredible authors in various local venues, including the stunning Dromore Cathedral.

The Cathedral dates back to the Seventeenth Century Church, built on a site used for worship for almost 1500 years.

Speaking to UrbanABC, Bridge Books proprietor Lesley says; “I’ve been dreaming of bringing a book festival to Dromore for quite some time, and now, it’s finally happening.

“I have confirmed an impressive list of authors: Donal Ryan, Liz Nugent, Claire Allan, Sharon Dempsey, Emma Heatherington, Hannah King, Sarah Gilmartin, Brian McGilloway, Stuart Neville, Caoilinn Hughes and Garrett Car! For those who prefer non-fiction, there’s Brian Rowan, Claire Mitchell and Linda Ervine in conversation with the BBC’s Tara Mills, and Stuart Bailie and Terri Hooley in conversation with Peter McGoran of Hot Press magazine.

For children there are two events, an illustration workshop with Paul Howard and storytelling and craft with Marianne McShane.

There is also a writing workshop with award-winning author Bernie McGill.”

Emma Heatherington, “I can’t tell you how thrilled and excited I am to take part in the very first Dromore Book Festival”

Lesley Bridge Books

Other venues confirmed to host events are Dromore Elim Church, Mulholland’s Bar and Off Sales and Dromore Town Hall.

Follow Dromore Book Festival on Facebook here

Bridge Books has just won Best Independent Bookshop on the Island of Ireland in the British Book Awards and has been shortlisted in the Irish Book Awards for the past three years.


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